Britannica Money

From the Persian Wars to Alexander the Great, 490–336 bc

For a century and a half the previous pattern of Greek coinage spread widely all over the Greek world, its quantity stimulated by a growing sense of nationalism, its intrinsic quality kept high by commercial competition, and its technique raised to new and often superb levels in an age of self-confidence. In the last half of the period the designing and engraving of coin dies (punches) reached a standard rarely to be surpassed. The head of a patron deity was now generally established as the obverse type and was often shown in very high relief, sometimes indeed facing, as a tour de force. Engravers, especially in Sicily and Italy, began to sign their dies, thus preserving the names of masters such as the Syracusans Euainetos, Cimon, and Eukleidas, otherwise unknown. Reverse types, now more complex, increasingly showed groups or genre scenes—e.g., the splendid frontally squatting Silenus (foster father of the wine god Dionysus) on the coinage for the refounding of Sicilian Naxos in 461, Dionysus seated backward on a donkey at Mende, or the many mythological compositions on Cretan coins—often diminishing the previous importance of the city badge. Inscriptions, though still often contracted, were in general use. The principal coinage metal was silver, of which the Attic weight standard gradually conquered the Aeginetan. Electrum was continued in the east—at Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Mytilene, and Phocaea—traveling thence mainly to the Black Sea; in the west it was coined at Carthage. In both areas it was produced as an artificial alloy. Gold was continued in the darics of the Persian kings and in the fine later series of Lampsacene staters; it was also struck at Panticapaeum on the Black Sea and on occasion at Syracuse, Tarentum, and Cyrene. Toward the end of the period, Philip II of Macedon instituted what was to be a world-famous gold coinage, undercutting and ousting that of Persia. Bronze made its appearance late in the 5th century, replacing the minute silver obol and other fractional silver coins that had hitherto been used as small change.

The currencies of the period included a few that were of world importance. The silver of Corinth and its Adriatic colonies was very numerous and was abundantly accepted, outside the Corinthian territories, by Italy and Sicily. The electrum of Cyzicus bore types that deliberately recommended it to many markets. Persian gold and silver coins enjoyed immense popularity in the 5th century. Metapontum, Tarentum, Thurium, Velia, and Syracuse were among the more prolific silver mints of the west. But the most famous commercial currency of all was that of Athens, the silver tetradrachms of which were struck in large numbers, fine quality, and obstinately unchanged appearance. These coins traveled widely in trade and were imitated as far afield as Egypt, Arabia, and Persia.

Predominance of Athens

Economic expansion and naval hegemony gave Athens near-imperial control over its allies in the 5th century. It may have been as early as 449 that Athenian edicts forbade the striking of silver coins by the allies or the use of currency, weights, and measures other than the Athenian and provided that previously minted local currencies should be handed in for exchange against that of Athens. The subjection of Aegina to Athens from 456 and the cessation of its famous and long-competitive “turtles” facilitated the monetary dominance of the “owls,” which was carried further, stage by stage, as Athenian “allies” revolted, were reconquered, and lost their independence. But the embargo put by Athens on local silver coinage was not absolute and perhaps was not expected to be. Major allies such as Samos, Chios, and Lesbos continued their own currencies; Phocaea, Mytilene, and Cyzicus, though ceasing to coin in silver, continued with electrum. In other cities, small change in silver was issued. Beyond the effective range of Athenian power, cities in Pamphylia (e.g., Aspendus) and in Thrace (e.g., Abdera and Aenus) could continue silver coinage on a non-Attic standard, and the failure of Athenian control is seen in the sudden and often beautiful coinages of cities that threw aside its dominance, such as Olynthus from about 430, or in the changed weight standard of others (e.g., Acanthus). During the Peloponnesian War, Sparta cut off the supply of silver from the Laurium mines, and by 407 Athens was melting the gold Nikai (victory statues) from the Parthenon to make emergency coins, followed the next year by bronze small change—an unpopular substitute for the tiny silver coins previously carried in the mouth. City after city now rebelled against Athens, and there was a sudden burst of independent coinage.

Athenian coinage revived, with unchanged types, after the Athenian admiral Conon’s successes against the Spartan fleet in 394. But wary former allies formed defensive leagues, as shown by current coinage, with a type of the Greek hero Heracles and the inscription ΣΥΝ (“the alliance”), by Cnidus, Ephesus, Samos, Byzantium, and other cities under Rhodian leadership. Rhodes spread its own coinage (with its head of the sun-god Helios and punning badge of a rose—Rhodon) widely in the eastern Mediterranean. Phocaea and Mytilene established a monetary union for their electrum. From 404 the Aeginetans were coining again, and on their former weight standard, though with a tortoise replacing the turtle. Corinthian coins continued to pour out. In the north a variety of important mints opened, and coins from mints in Asia Minor, notably Cnidus and Ephesus, testify to the prosperity brought by autonomy.