Britannica Money

Price flexibility

For coordination of activities to be preserved (or restored) when the economy is disturbed by changes in these determinants, something still more is required: each separate price must move in a direction that will restore equilibrium. This necessity for prices to adjust in certain directions may be expressed as a communications requirement. To put it in somewhat extreme form: for a given economic unit to plan its activities so that they will “mesh” with those of others, it must have information about the intentions of everyone else in the system. When one of the determinants underlying market supplies and demands changes so as to disequilibrate the system, ensuing price movements must communicate the requisite information to everyone concerned.

One may suppose, for example, that in some period of political crisis the supply of crude oil from the Middle East is cut off. The immediate result will be a worldwide excess demand for oil and oil products of large proportions—that is, supply will fall far short of demand at going prices. At the same time, those who derive their income from Middle East oil production will have their incomes reduced, and excess supplies will emerge in the markets for the goods on which those incomes previously were spent. For the system to adjust, orders will have to go out to all demanders to cut down on their consumption of oil and for all other suppliers of oil to increase their output so that the gap between demand and supply can be closed. This is, in effect, what a rise in the world price of oil and oil products will accomplish—millions of gasoline and heating oil users the world over will respond to the pinch of higher prices, and the higher prices will also create a profit incentive for supply to be increased. (Falling prices will, in an analogous manner, close the gaps in the markets in which the initial disturbance caused excess supplies to develop.)

Prices that are not rigid for some institutional reason will move in response to excess demands and excess supplies. When demand exceeds supply, disappointed buyers will bid up the price; when supply exceeds demand, unsuccessful suppliers will bid it down. This mechanism solved the excess demand for the oil problem in the illustration above. The question, however, is whether throughout the system as a whole it will always act so as to move each of the prices toward its general equilibrium value.

Keynes said no. He maintained that there can be conditions under which excess demands (or supplies) will not be “effectively” communicated so that, although certain prices are at disequilibrium levels, no process of bidding them away from these inappropriate levels will get started. This is the flaw in the traditional conception of the operation of the price system that prompted Keynes to introduce the concept of “effective demand.” To pre-Keynesian economists the implied distinction between “effective” and (presumably) “ineffective” demand would have had no analytical meaning. The logic of traditional economic theory suggested two possibilities that might make the price system inoperative: (1) that, in some markets, neither demanders nor suppliers respond to price incentives, so that a “gap” between demand and supply cannot be closed by price adjustments and (2) that, for various institutional reasons, prices in some markets are “rigid” and will not budge in response to the competitive pressures of excess demands or excess supplies. Keynes discovered a third possibility that, he argued, was responsible for the depth and duration of severe depressions: under certain conditions, some prices may show no tendency to change even though desires to buy and to sell do not coincide in the respective markets and even though no institutional reasons exist for the prices to be rigid.

Say’s Law

Many writers before Keynes raised the question of whether a capitalist economic system, relying as it did on the profit incentive to keep production going and maintain employment, was not in danger of running into depressed states from which the automatic workings of the price mechanism could not extricate it. But they tended to formulate the question in ways that allowed traditional economics to provide a demonstrable, reassuring answer. The answer is known in the economic literature as Say’s Law of Markets, after the early 19th-century French economist Jean-Baptiste Say.

Jean-Baptiste Say
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Jean-Baptiste Say, lithograph by Gottfried Englemann after a portrait by Achille-Jacques-Jean-Marie Devéria.
H. Roger-Viollet

For western Europe, the 19th century was a period of rapid economic growth interrupted by several sharp and deep depressions. The growth was made possible in large measure by new modes of organizing production and new technologies, such as the spreading use of steam power. Was it possible that output might grow so great that there would not be a market for it all? Say’s Law denied the possibility. “Supply creates its own demand,” ran the answer. More precisely, the law asserted that the sum of all excess supplies, evaluated at market prices, must be identically equal to the sum of the market values of all excess demands. It could be neither more nor less. In the theoretical system of traditional economics, any inequality between these sums would quickly work itself out.

An important special case should be noted. The good in excess demand might, for instance, be money. One possibility, then, is excess supply for all the other goods, matched by an excess demand for money. A situation with excess demand for money matched by an excess supply of everything else is one in which the level of all money prices is too high relative to the existing stock of money. If this is the only trouble, however, Say’s Law suggests a relatively simple remedy: increase the money supply to whatever extent required to eliminate the excess demand. The alternative is to wait for the deflation to work itself out. As the general level of prices declines, the “real” value of the money stock increases; this too, will, in the end, eliminate the excess demand for money.