Britannica Money

Traffic management

Planning, arranging, and buying the transportation services needed to move a firm’s freight is known as traffic management. It is probably the most important element of logistics. The traffic manager is concerned with freight consolidation, carrier rates and charges, carrier selection, documentation, tracing and expediting, loss and damage claims, diversion and reconsignment, demurrage and detention, movements of hazardous materials, and use of private carriage. Freight consolidation means the assembling of many smaller shipments into a smaller number of large shipments. The reason for this is that the carriers charge less per pound for handling larger shipments, because less paperwork and individual handling is involved. Hence, a traffic manager would like to see a customer’s daily orders consolidated into a single weekly order or have orders for several customers in a distant city handled as a single shipment to that city, where it would be broken down for delivery to each of them. Carriers establish their rates in several ways. In the United States, motor carriers of less-than-truckload shipments (say, 50 to 10,000 pounds) have point-to-point tariffs using the first three numbers in ZIP codes. The tariffs are stored on personal computer diskettes. The rates vary by length of haul, size of shipment, and the product’s classification (a number that reflects the ease with which the carrier can handle the product; for example, gravel has a low classification number, bees—in hives—have a high classification number). The traffic manager pays these rates or may be able to negotiate a percentage discount if she or he is willing to make a long-term commitment of traffic to a specific carrier. For regular shippers of truckload, railcar load, and shipload quantities, it is possible to negotiate contracts with carriers. At one time carrier rates in the United States were heavily regulated by the government, but traffic managers had some input into the regulatory process. Today, oil pipeline traffic, some interstate rail traffic, and intrastate truck traffic in many states are regulated, so those traffic managers involved with that traffic must be willing to express their concerns to regulatory bodies.

Carrier selection is a two-step phase. First, the company must decide which mode—water, rail, pipeline, truck, or air—to use for each segment of traffic it handles. Air is the fastest way to carry intercity shipments, but it is also the most expensive. Truck is less expensive and more widely used. Rail is usually even less expensive, although often it is neither as consistent nor as high-quality as motor carrier service. Water and pipeline transportation are cheaper, although they are not available at all sites. In terms of ton-miles (one ton carried one mile equals one ton-mile) of intercity freight within the United States, in the early 1990s, about 37 percent moved by rail; 25 percent by truck; 21 percent by oil pipelines; 16 percent by water; and less than 1 percent by air. However, in terms of dollars spent for intercity freight transportation, trucks received 81 percent; rails, 11 percent; and the others 2 or 3 percent apiece. Once the modal choice is made, the traffic manager must choose which carrier firm or firms should get the business.

After the selection is made and contract signed, the carriers’ performance is monitored to make certain that its quality does not deteriorate. Documentation is the preparation and handling of all the documents accompanying a shipment; most must be completed before shipping. In the late 20th century, computers and electronic date interchange (EDI) have made documentation less of a burden. Tracing and expediting are related; both involve paying attention to a shipment that is in the carrier’s hands. Tracing is the effort to find a delayed or misplaced shipment. Expediting is an attempt to have a specific shipment move faster than normal through the carrier’s system because it is needed immediately by the consignee. Loss and damage claims reflect the carrier’s responsibility to deliver merchandise in good order. If packages are missing or damaged, the shipper must determine which of these problems were the carrier’s fault and attempt to collect the amount of the damages from the carrier. (An effort also must be made to reduce the overall volume of damaged and lost freight.) Diversion and reconsignment cover the practice of starting freight on its way and then deciding to alter its destination. A customer may ask that the freight en route be delivered to the warehouse in city B rather than in city A. In that case, the shipper’s traffic manager has the shipment diverted from city A to city B; reconsigned goods are rerouted after delivery to their original destination. Demurrage and detention reflect the traffic manager’s responsibility to load and unload carrier equipment promptly. If he does not, then the carrier assesses daily detention or demurrage charges until the traffic manager’s firm frees the carrier’s equipment. This is to prevent the shippers and consignees from using the carriers’ equipment as warehouses.

Hazardous materials movements require special attention. Sometimes only certain routes, warehouses, and vehicular equipment can be used. Communities along the way may have special requirements affecting the movement and storage of the materials. For some hazardous material movements, specialized carriers must be used. Containers and vehicles have special markings, and additional documentation is needed to accompany the shipment.

Lastly, the firm may decide to operate its own fleet of vehicles—trucks, planes, or ships. Their operation and control is the responsibility of the firm’s traffic manager, who must become familiar with the many federal and state regulations that control the operation and safety of various types of vehicular equipment and the people operating this equipment.