Britannica Money

Stakeholder governance

A string of high-profile corporate failures in liberal models of capitalism, such as the collapse of Enron in the United States or Mirror Group Newspapers in Great Britain, fueled attempts to reform the shareholder governance model. An important part of the reform effort focuses on trying to make shareholder governance operate more effectively through a combination of governance reform and enhancing the market for corporate control. However, a different strand of reform activity focuses on replacing shareholder governance with an alternative stakeholder approach. Many of those that advocate stakeholder governance are on the left of the political spectrum.

For much of the 20th century, socialists and social democrats did not pay much attention to issues concerning how firms are governed and run. Although there were figures that did develop policies toward corporate governance, for the most part those efforts were overshadowed by the emphasis that the rest of the left placed on common or state ownership as the way of achieving socialist goals. The collapse of state socialism in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe during the late 1980s and early 1990s helped alter all of this. Many lost faith in state ownership and came to accept that there is no viable alternative to capitalism. However, most remained critical of capitalism and believed that the task now was to create a more just and efficient form of capitalism. In places such as Great Britain, the reform of shareholder corporate governance was one of the main ways that social democrats tried to create a new model of capitalism.

A variety of rationales are advanced in favour of stakeholding. Some put forward efficiency arguments. Some experts suggest that the relationships that managers develop with stakeholders minimize transaction costs and lead to greater efficiency. Other experts use the sorts of risk-based arguments used to justify shareholder ownership to press the case for other stakeholders, arguing that shareholders are not the only people who take on risk within a firm. Employees are bearers of risk because they develop firm-specific skills that can inhibit their mobility in the wider labour force. As the fortunes of workers are tied in to the fortunes of their company, staff are susceptible to risk. Employees should be given governance rights in recognition of the risks they face. Still other experts develop ethical justifications for stakeholding. Some say that the power exercised by a firm provides a case for those who are affected by this power to have some degree of control of the firm’s operations.

Public services

The left has not confined its attention to advocating the reform of organizations that inhabit the marketplace. In places such as Great Britain, stakeholder ideas have also been applied to the sphere of public services. Stakeholding surfaces in policies such as foundation hospitals. The best-performing hospitals in the National Health Service have been allowed to apply for foundation status. Although the funding for these hospitals continues to come mainly from the public’s purse, these hospitals enjoy considerable local autonomy from central control. These hospitals provide membership rights to a range of stakeholders. Those entitled to become members are those individuals who belong to the population served by the hospital (the public constituency), people who have attended the hospital as a patient or a career of a patient within a time period specified by the constitution (the patient constituency), and those who have an employment contract with the hospital (the staff constituency). In addition, membership rights are provided to those who perform functions for the hospital other than under an employment contract. This category includes those that belong to a primary care trust, local authority or authorities, or a university whose dental or medical schools are affiliated with the hospital.

Foundation hospitals have a board of governors, and the members previously cited have a role in picking these governors. The public and patient constituencies are responsible for choosing more than half of the governors. The staff constituency chooses at least three members of the board of governors. A primary care trust, local authority, and university each choose at least one of the governors. Furthermore, a body seen as a partnership organization within the hospital’s constitution may also choose a member of the board. In relation to rights over surplus, no members of the foundation trust have rights over the surplus.

The mode of representation within foundation hospitals is through a mix of elections and direct appointment. The public, patient, and staff constituencies each elect their representatives on the board of governors. The primary care trust, local authority or authorities, university, and partner organizations each appoint their own representative on the board of governors. Governors serve three-year terms and are allowed to stand for office again once their term ends.